Tooth whitening is one of the most frequently requested dental procedures as everyone now wants a whiter, brighter smile. Your dentist may recommend a professional cleaning prior to the whitening procedure.

Many choices for tooth whitening are available. These include home-based products and in-office based systems where products containing highly concentrated bleaching agents are applied under professional supervision.

1. Home whitening /Tray-Based Teeth Whiteners

Tray-based tooth whitening systems involve use of fitted customized trays containing carbamide peroxide-bleaching gel. Usually by following the manufacturer instructions tooth whitening is noticeable in a few days. Teeth shade gradually drop by  2-4 shades.

2. In-Office Whitening

Quicker tooth lightning can be achieved through in-office whitening because the products deliver higher concentrations of peroxide. Gingival tissues are protected before the agent is applied. Types of in office tooth whitening that we provide at Dental Aesthetics are-  

  1. Philips Zoom White Speed Whitening
  2. Epic Laser assisted whitening
  3. Chemical assisted whitening – Pola office plus
  4. Smile spa

Whitening both home and office should not be done on:

  1. Pregnant and lactating women
  2. Children below the age of 14 years
  3. Patients having known peroxide allergies
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